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Cameras for Classrooms: Are They Allowed and Are They Legal?

Team Rhombus | Rhombus Blog
by Team Rhombus, on October 21, 2024
Industry Solutions
Rhombus cameras for classrooms

Video surveillance is a tool for campus safety that's becoming increasingly prevalent in schools. For campuses that already use security cameras or have plans to implement them, it's essential to understand what is and isn't legally allowed.

This post will discuss how schools can use video security while properly complying with laws around surveillance and privacy in the U.S.  Fortunately, it can be simple to use video surveillance in ways that follow all regulations and respect the privacy of students, faculty, and staff.

Are School Security Cameras Legal?

The short answer is: yes! It’s legal to have a school security camera in schools. That said, there are several things to be mindful of when setting up video surveillance on campus. In addition, states have different laws regarding school surveillance, so it’s important to check your state’s specific regulations.

For a deeper dive into video security measures on campus, read our Guide to School Video Surveillance Policy: Safety, Privacy, and Legality.

General surveillance regulations & best practices for schools include:

Respecting “reasonable expectations of privacy” on campus

General video surveillance laws in the U.S. allow monitoring and recording with a security camera in areas where there is no “reasonable expectation of privacy”. This is the most important thing to keep in mind when installing cameras and is a useful rule of thumb to follow.

Do security cameras on campus need to be visible?

We recommend installing security cameras in locations where they are plainly visible. This is because some states have stricter laws around hidden surveillance cameras—for example, New Hampshire, Maine, Kansas, South Dakota, and Delaware require consent to use hidden cameras of any kind. Additionally, corner security cameras can be strategically placed to cover less visible areas and enhance overall surveillance.

Do schools need signage disclosing the use of cameras?

As long as cameras are in areas without a reasonable expectation of privacy, and you’re only capturing video with no audio, signage is generally unnecessary. You may wish to include signage anyway to deter bad behavior. Implementing a school security camera system with clear signage can help deter bad behavior and ensure transparency.

Is parental permission required to use security cameras in schools?

In general, schools are permitted to record students for purposes of safety and education and do not need parental permission to do so. This standard of ‘safety and educational purposes’ covers the vast majority of all activities on campus.

However, in some states, such as Texas, if a school wants to record students for purposes other than education or safety (for example, for promotional materials), they must obtain parental consent. For this reason, it’s important to make parents aware of your surveillance policy and to request signed consent forms when necessary. Ensuring that school security camera systems comply with state regulations and parental consent requirements is crucial for maintaining trust and transparency.

Types of School Surveillance Cameras

The purpose of school surveillance cameras

School surveillance cameras are essential tools designed to create a safe and secure environment for students, staff, and faculty. These cameras monitor and record activities within school premises, helping to prevent and deter potential threats such as bullying, theft, vandalism, and violence. The primary purpose of school surveillance cameras is to enhance situational awareness, improve student behavior, and ensure a secure environment for everyone on campus.

Benefits of using school surveillance cameras

Implementing school surveillance cameras offers numerous benefits, including:

Improved Student Behavior: The presence of cameras can deter misbehavior and promote a positive learning environment.

Enhanced Situational Awareness: Surveillance cameras provide a comprehensive view of the school environment, helping to identify and address potential threats quickly.

Increased Safety and Security: Cameras help prevent and deter potential threats such as bullying, theft, vandalism, and violence, ensuring a safer school campus.

Improved Incident Response: In the event of an incident, cameras provide crucial evidence, helping school administrators identify and address issues effectively.

Legal & Common Use-Cases for School Video Surveillance

Video security is a reliable way to improve safety and accountability at scale across campus. Adding security cameras to classrooms is a newer practice, while security cameras have been used for a long time in common and outdoor areas.

Register for Rhombus x Omnilert live webinar

Security cameras paired with AI algorithms can provide proactive visual gun detection to campuses. Join the webinar on campus safety and learn how Rhombus and Omnilert can help schools rapidly identify and address potential threats with state-of-the-art technology.

Security Cameras in Common Areas

Security cameras in common areas like hallways, cafeterias, gyms, and auditoriums improve visibility and reduce blind spots. When schools have a reliable video security system, they can view multiple areas at once and respond quickly to fights and emergencies in real-time. Corner school security cameras can be particularly effective in monitoring less visible areas and ensuring comprehensive coverage.

Video surveillance can also protect students and teachers from bullying, harassment, and false accusations. It provides hard evidence that allows the school administration to take appropriate action. And in some cases, the presence of security cameras alone is enough to reduce bullying.

Rhombus cloud-managed physical security

Cover blind spots in campus common areas like cafeterias and auditoriums with panoramic, 360-angle security cameras.

Classroom Cameras in School Classrooms

Having classroom cameras extends the benefits of video surveillance to the places where students spend the most time. Security cameras increase visibility, safety, and protection from liability—all while remaining unobtrusive and requiring no extra labor.

For example, administrators at used to physically check in on classes, but students became distracted whenever they visited. They now check on classes remotely by viewing live video in the Rhombus Console, which allows them to gain valuable insight without disrupting lessons.

Security Cameras in Outdoor Campus Areas

Video surveillance in parking lots, sports fields, and outdoor areas helps monitor and secure campus boundaries. Smart security cameras can identify trespassers and catch people hopping fences in real-time, so you can take immediate action in urgent situations. Implementing robust security camera systems in outdoor areas can enhance overall campus safety and provide real-time monitoring capabilities.

Surveillance in parking lots helps protect students during pickup—especially when enhanced with features like Facial Recognition or License Plate Recognition. With modern video cameras, you can receive alerts for specific people or vehicles, so administrators are notified if an unauthorized car tries to pick up a student.

Rhombus cloud school security camera

Best Practices for School Camera Placement

Ideas for effective camera placement

Effective camera placement is crucial to maximizing the benefits of school surveillance cameras. Here are some ideas for strategic camera placement:

High-Traffic Areas: Place cameras in high-traffic areas such as hallways, cafeterias, and auditoriums to monitor student movement and activities.

Corner Cameras: Use corner cameras to capture a wide-angle view of rooms, ensuring comprehensive coverage in areas with limited visibility.

Multisensor Cameras: Install multisensor cameras in expansive areas that require monitoring, such as parking lots and sports fields, to allow for flexible and dynamic surveillance.

Dome Cameras: Place dome cameras in indoor areas like hallways and auditoriums for discreet monitoring.

IP Cameras: Consider using IP cameras for easy installation and high-quality video, especially in areas where modern, scalable solutions are needed.

Difficult-to-Access Areas: Ensure cameras are placed in areas that are difficult to access, such as stairwells and corridors, to monitor less visible spots.

Outdoor Areas: Use cameras to monitor outdoor areas such as playgrounds and sports fields, enhancing security across the entire campus.

Smart Security Cameras: Consider using smart security cameras with advanced features like motion detection and facial recognition to improve monitoring and response capabilities.

By following these best practices, schools can effectively use security cameras to protect students, faculty, and staff, ensuring a safe and secure learning environment.

Illegal Use-Cases for Video Surveillance on Campus

Video surveillance is illegal in locations where privacy is expected. This includes:

Restrooms & locker rooms

Security cameras are illegal in restrooms, locker rooms, and changing areas. Privacy is expected in these areas and video surveillance would violate privacy rights.

Employee break rooms (in some states)

Some states restrict or prohibit video surveillance in employee lounges and break rooms. Depending on how the break room is used, employees may have an expectation of privacy there, so it's best to review local policies for employee lounges on campus.


Not only are school security cameras legal, but video surveillance is an effective way to secure school campuses at scale. Security cameras in common areas, classrooms, and outdoor areas improve safety and accountability and can help administrators respond to emergencies more quickly. If you keep several guidelines in mind, it's easy to use security cameras to protect students, faculty, and staff in a safe and compliant manner.

If you’re interested in video security for your school, learn more about Rhombus for Schools or request a live demo with a team member to see just how easy and stress-free video security can be.

Poduim with two Rhombus cameras and a computer and phone showing the console

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